How to Free Up Your Weekends to Spend More Time with Your Family

How to Free Up Your Weekends to Spend More Time with Your Family

Before Justin Liller heard about Platform Marketing, his annual production was in the four- to five-million-dollar range. That’s not bad for a solo realtor in rural Maryland. It’s excellent, in fact.

But he knew he could do better. With a wife and two kids at home — and living in an idyllic area for water sports — Justin was ready to free up his weekends and create a healthy work-life balance.

We know this is the dream for a lot of real estate agents… but not everyone is willing to put in the work.

To Justin, it was worth it. He knew he was never going to wish his way into a new production bracket. Instead, he did his homework and made the Platform strategy work for him.

By building his personal brand for five years, Justin created both the business and the free time he desired — to the tune of over $20 million in sales per year.

This is the magic of the Platform strategy in action. Our clients aren’t online, posting dry listing videos and the occasional inspirational quote. Justin — and go-getters like him — are deeply entrenched in their local communities. This enables them to share upcoming events, their favorite small businesses, tailored listing videos, and even personal updates that speak directly to their neighbors.

Who, sooner or later, will likely be ready to buy or sell a house. Justin’s retargeting audience keeps him top-of-mind, even when prospective clients aren’t yet ready to hire him.

When they are ready, they call Justin — not the other way around.

By attracting clients instead of chasing them, Justin reduced the need for constant weekend showings and prospecting—allowing him to prioritize family time without sacrificing his business.

Of course, this type of marketing can’t be faked. Justin is actually out in his community, meeting local business owners and attending events. He promotes only the people and places that leave an impression on him, which means that when he recommends something, his followers can take him at his word.

What a way to increase visibility and engagement on social media, right? Part of Justin’s job is to share things he loves. His Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube ads have a positive impact on his business and others in his community.

Justin also shares regular market update videos, which keep his audience informed about ever-evolving real estate trends and build his credibility as a market expert. (That’s what people want in a good realtor!)

Another way Justin freed up his weekends was by delegating tasks. Back in 2020, he hired an assistant to handle his admin work, which now allows him to focus on client interactions, spending time with his family, and his hobbies. He’s a true Deep Creek Lake (DCL) man — a sailor or a snowmobiler, depending on the season.

Justin’s hobbies are an important part of his brand, too. His clients naturally respect his time because they associate him with the DCL lifestyle he promotes. They admire him for getting back to nature (and making it look super fun).

At the end of the day, people are willing to wait to work with him. They know it’s worth it.

The evolution of Justin’s business is exactly why we believe so strongly in the Platform Marketing strategy. When realtors truly invest in their branding and utilize social media to establish authority in their markets, their impact grows exponentially. In Justin’s case, more than four-fold.

You can listen to his story here. And if you’re ready to work smarter, become a face in your community, and take back your weekends, you can see if your market is available here.

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