Don’t Buy Leads

Don't Buy Leads - Anngela Musgrave

Why you shouldn’t Buy Leads

The key idea from the book “High Hanging Fruit” is rather than buying leads, you should invest in building a hyperlocal brand in your community. You can read the entire book for free, here:

Unfortunately, most agents take the lazy approach of buying leads. But there are two massive reasons why you should NOT do this:

1) When you buy online leads, you often get fake names and fake phone numbers. The quality of the leads is very questionable.

2) The leads are usually very expensive, because websites like Zillow are just a middleman. They want as high of a profit as possible, and that means you pay ridiculously high prices.

Remember that these websites are just a middleman. They don’t show homes to your clients. They don’t negotiate offers. As an agent, you’re doing all of the work, so why should you pay a middleman?

The central idea of the book “High Hanging Fruit” is to cut out the middleman.

Here’s how to do it…

Create content and film videos about the top neighborhoods and trends in your area. Invest in marketing campaigns that highlight this content. When you build a local brand in your community, you will earn the reputation as being THE local expert on real estate. When people think of homes, they will naturally think of you.

See some specific examples of video and ad ideas here:

And it won’t matter how big of an advertising budget other agents have, because you will earn the one thing that money can’t buy: TRUST.

When your community trusts you more than the competition, you will start receiving more leads naturally. Homeowners ready to list will…call you. Homebuyers ready to get pre-approved will…call you.

Your marketing will naturally become more “inbound,” because trust is a magnet. You won’t have to buy leads anymore, because the leads will come to you!

Many agents have doubled their GCI by studying this book.

You can read it for free here:

author, “High Hanging Fruit”
CEO, Platform Marketing

photo of Anngela Musgrave Realtor, who added over $200,000 to her GCI after reading the book and taking action on the ideas!

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