Molly Myers Story

Marketing for Molly Myers – Small Town Realtor Marketing
Have you heard of Molly Myers Real Estate? Check this out. Here’s the details of her local marketing plan 

Oh, and by the way, look at her pipeline right now, and notice how many of her clients are from Platform Marketing campaigns…
Here’s her game plan for how to succeed in a small town:
She works in many of the small towns around Winston-Salem, but when we started advertising we told her to pick just ONE town to focus on. She decided on Mocksville. Mocksville is the seat of Davie County, but the population was only 5,900 (as of 2020) so it’s definitely a small town.
So what is Molly doing to generate buyers and seller leads in such a small town?
She consistently posts about small businesses in Mocksville and talks to the employees/business owners who work there! Already this year she has run 2 giveaways, with the prizes being goodies from local shops, and is putting together a third right now for a coffee basket with custom mugs from a local potter (and more!).
This spring she joined the Ladies Auxiliary for a fire department in Davie County and volunteers with them.
In March she participated in Mocksville’s Community Spring Fling where she had a custom-designed photo prop and a giveaway which 40+ people gave their information for! So not only did she have a great chance to meet real people in Mocksville and spend time with them face-to-face, she also has contacts to follow up with.
She’ll be at another spring fling event in April because an organizer recognized her and asked if she would participate.
In February, she attended a small business mixer and didn’t have to introduce herself to anyone, because every person in the room ALREADY knew her name from her social media ads!
She concentrates her videos on Davie County and Mocksville any time she can. When she couldn’t get a listing during the winter, she went out and filmed a neighborhood video tour to continue getting local content out there.
One thing we hear over and over is “I need to make sure my sphere knows ALL the places I work in, so I can’t just focus my marketing content on 1 town.”
This is a false dichotomy.
The BEST way to dominate a market is by starting with one small area. As you create content and get out in the community, your reach will organically begin to expand.
But if you try to focus on 2, 3, or more towns, you will not see results by putting 33% toward X, 33% toward Y, and 33% toward Z. You will not build a solid following and people who like and trust you in any of those areas, because you’re not being consistent in ONE hyperlocal community.
And let’s talk about one more thing most Realtors are not doing ….getting out in your community IN PERSON! This is not optional, it’s an absolutely necessary piece of your local “Platform” marketing strategy (especially while we’re in this current market that requires an offensive strategy and not a defensive one).
Here are 8 ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Join your neighborhood board and start planning/attending events
- Get involved with your child’s school
- Attend local markets (seasonal, farmer’s markets, street fairs, etc.)
- Volunteer at your church
- Join the local Chamber of Commerce or BNI group
- Volunteer with the fire department
- Sponsor a youth team and attend as many games as you can
- Hold a local giveaway (Molly did a giveaway for the Super Bowl where she offered 3 prizes – 1st place got a complete dinner from a local pizzeria)
For more specific local marketing ideas, check out our podcast for realtors: