The Platform Strategy

Platform Strategy

The Platform Strategy for Ads

Realtors hire us to manage their social media marketing. But here’s the catch. To be honest, it usually takes about 6-12 months for most agents to see the full results of the “Platform” strategy kick in. This is because you can generate all the leads in the world, but two things have to happen before you convert those leads.

The SECOND one is the most important because you actually have control over it:

1) The lead is actually ready to buy/sell. If someone clicks one of your Platform ads in February…but they’re not ready to move until June when the kids are done with school…all the marketing in the world won’t change that! There is a natural sales cycle with leads, because everyone has their own timeline. It is what it is.

2) They have seen enough of your follow up retargeting ads that they feel like they “know” you….even if you’ve never spoken. This is what makes Platform different from other companies. We don’t rely on an endless barrage of automated emails or text messages to convert leads. That’s just annoying. Instead, we regularly write new retargeting ads (every week) that pop up in your leads’ newsfeeds on both Instagram and Facebook.

This keeps you top of mind, without annoying people by being too salesy. This is the missing link in most real estate agents’ marketing strategy.

The end result is that many agents double their GCI within a year of hiring us! Get started and see if your market is available!

"What does Platform do?"